Product: Tea: Camellia sinensis
FLO ID: 4440
Country: China
Individual members 1,200
Year Fairtrade Certified: 2007
Organisation Type: Smallholder
Organisation Details
Xuan En Yisheng Tea Cooperative is located in Xuan En County, Hubei Province (宣恩縣, 湖北省), China. The area is one of the most impoverished areas in central China.
Fairtrade Certification
In 2007, the cooperative joined Fairtrade to help local farmers develop economic stability. Over the years, despite being one of the less economically-advantaged areas in China, the villagers of Xuan En County are proud of the fact that they have made their local community a better place through their own hard work with the support of Fairtrade.
Xuan En Yisheng Tea Cooperative is located in Xuan En County in China
Fairtrade Benefits/ Premium
Before the Fairtrade co-operative was established, the local hospital was underfunded and rundown. The nearest hospital was almost two hours away by car, and many of the farmers did not have access to transportation. Even though the doctors at the local hospital were dedicated and hardworking, the facilities provided at the hospital were not adequate for the majority of the local patients’ needs. The building was decrepit with a leaky roof. There were also insufficient funds to provide the hospital with basic medicines and treatments.
With the help of Fairtrade Premium, the villagers were able to build a new hospital. The local government matched the Premium money. With the combined funds, the cooperative was not only able rebuild the hospital, but also start a new clinic in their village for basic health care. The cooperative also provides financial support for the growing number of students from the cooperative’s families.