Launch of 2nd Gender Leadership School in South East Asia!

Fairtrade Producer Organisations included in the Gender Leaderschip School

Participation discussing on the group training exercises
Post the launch of Gender Leadership School in Central Asia – Network of Asia and Pacific Producers (NAPP) launched the 2nd Gender Leadership School on June 17, 2019, in Indonesia, South East Asia targeting women and youth from Fairtrade certified organizations across South East Asia. The Gender Leadership School aims to increase the capabilities of women and youthto take leadership and management roles in their communities, organizations and households for an equitable and sustainable change in the society.
Group Team Building Exercises
A total of 12 women and 8 men joined from Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Philippines representing 20 Fairtrade small producer organizations of Coffee, Sugar, Coconut and Rice. The Gender leadership school is a 1-year program that aims to create new leaders to become flag bearers of NAPP Gender programs. These champions will support in advocating the concept of Fairtrade in bridging the gap between men and women across different commodity while combating poverty and unfair trade conditions, which women continued to face in their daily lives.
NAPP as a part of Fairtrade International System, globally recognizes the overarching roles and contribution of women and youth in agricultural sector. It continues to improve gender equality by empowering women to deliver a transformative approach in gender mainstreaming in Fairtrade system.