There is a huge requirement for qualified and competent personalities in the plantation industry for the implementation of technical aspects. A skilled workforce in any industry contributes more effectively to improving productivity and maintaining its sustainability. Fairtrade NAPP is strengthening the activities of the tea supply value chain in order to maximize the decent earnings of the producers by way of providing support to meet the requirement of skilled human capital in the plantation Industry.

There were 02 residential training organized by Fairtrade NAPP for the Plantation executives and Factory staff in collaboration with the National Institute of Plantation Management (NIPM) falling under the purview of the Ministry of Plantation Industries, Govt. of Sri Lanka. NIIPM is the only government professional body in the plantation industry in the country with the main aim of elevating the professional competence of all human assets in the plantation industry. The Institute is empowered to award certificates to those who successfully completed the educational courses.

Professional Program on tea manufacturing process and factory practices for Plantation executives from 5th to 9th August 2022

A 09 day of residential training was organised in Sri Lanka for 21 executives ( with a minimum of 02 years experience in the Tea Industry)  from 7 Tea plantation Companies. The main objective was to impart theoretical/practical knowledge to the executives on tea manufacturing, factory management, quality improvement, and marketing and to prepare them for obtaining professional membership in NIPM

The extensive training module included both oral and written test on

  • Basic Sciences
  • Introduction to Tea Industry and Tea Technology
  • Green Leaf Handling in Relation to Tea Manufacture
  • Withering
  • Rolling and Roll Breaking
  • Rolling Programme
  • Fermentation
  • CTC Manufacture
  • Drying, Sifting, Grading and Packing
  • Tea Tasting Terminology
  • Marketing of Made Tea
  • Management and Record Keeping
  • Costs, Cost Control and Labour Deployment
  • Tea Factory and Machinery Maintenance
  • Energy Management
  • Industrial Health and Safety
  • Tea Quality Management
  • Factory Machinery Maintenance

All the lectures were organised at the in-house training center of NIIPM followed by a Tea manufacturing demonstration session at a law country Tea Factory namely Cecliyan Tea Factory – Kalawana.

Training on Skill Development on Tea Manufacturing Process and Factory Practices for the Factory Staff from 13th to 17th August, 2022

A 05 day of residential training was organised in Sri Lanka for 24 participants from 06 tea operators. The main objective was to upgrade their skills and capabilities and familiarize them with the modern and improved technological process of tea manufacturing and align them with the current market expectations of productivity and quality.

The extensive training module focused on

  • General Aspects of tea Manufacture
  • Tea Manufacturing Process
  • Recent Advanced Methods in Tea Processing
  • Energy Management in Tea Factories
  • CTC Manufacture
  • Machinery and Machinery Maintenance
  • 5 S system, T.Q.M. and HACCP Certification
  • Tea Tasting and Chemical Composition of Tea
  • Productivity Improvement, Employee Relations and Worker Motivation
  • Inventory Control and Management
  • Record-Keeping Procedures
  • Cost Control Techniques
  • Effective Communication in Tea Factory Management
  • Marketing Requirements of Made Tea
  • Value-Addition and Innovative Marketing

The training module was covered through:  

  1. Lectures at the in-house training center of NIIPM.
  2. Practical Tea Tasting session at the NIPM Model Factory premises.
  3. Visit to the warehouse belonging to Asia Siyaka Commodities (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka’s largest Tea stockist to observe and learn procedures such as Tea cataloging, sampling, exporting, and other important elements.
  4. Tea Manufacturing demonstration session at the Cecliyan Tea Factory – Kalawana.
  5. Tea Smart Auction procedure

Post the successful completion of the training the participants are more armed with scientific knowledge about the process of tea manufacturing, factory management, and marketing of tea. They are expected to have acquired the technical methodology and expertise in improving the quality and productivity of tea which will ultimately assure the sustainability of the tea industry.

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