At a crucial point in coconut sugar production, a well-functioning kitchen ensures high-quality processing and consistency. Proper kitchen facilities enable precise temperature control and maintain hygienic conditions, that are essential for producing premium coconut sugar. In addition, a well-organized kitchen streamlines the production process by enhancing productivity and supporting sustainable practices. Coconut sugar producers in Central Java, Indonesia, faced several challenges due to poorly functioning kitchens. In response, Fairtrade NAPP provided support by distributing necessary materials to direct beneficiaries and supported the renovation design as part of the Food Security Support Project. This initiative is funded by Fairtrade International through BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) to mitigate the food and energy price crisis under the Emergency Relief and Resilience Fund.

In the first phase, 200 coconut sugar farmers from four small producer organizations benefited from this project. These include Koperasi Nira Kamukten from Banjarnegara Regency region, Koperasi Sari Manggar Alami and Koperasi Karya Manis Sejahtera from Purbalingga Regency region and Koperasi Manunggal Adil Sejahtera from Kebumen Regency region. In the second phase, Fairtrade NAPP distributed renovation materials to100 farmers from three small producer organizations. These include 34 members of Koperasi Manunggal Adil Sejahtera in Kebumen Regency, 33 members of Koperasi Karya Manis Sejahtera in Kebumen and Purworejo Regencies, and 33 members of Koperasi Sari Manggar Alami in Purbalingga Regency. The project was completed in the time that ensured the availability of the new kitchen facilities to enhance the production process.

The impact has been far and beyond. These renovations provided a better hygienic and better-sanitized production facilities. This, as a result, improved the working conditions for farmers, more efficient use of wood fuel, and better-quality coconut sugar. In the long-term, it ensures the producers are able to meet the basic food safety standards. As it results, it ensures the overall health and safety of the wives of sap tappers who cook the sap into coconut sugar, and providing a better working environment that enhances fuel efficiency and processing effectiveness. In this way, Fairtrade is committed to supporting sustainable development and improving the livelihoods of coconut sugar producers through practical and impactful initiatives.

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