Fairtrade places a strong emphasis on gender equality within small producers’ organizations (SPOs) by setting standards that require these organizations to develop gender policies. Central to this effort is the empowerment of women, which Fairtrade views as a key pillar for achieving gender equality. Koperasi Nira Kamukten, a Fairtrade coconut sugar producer organization, embraced this directive and developed its own gender policy in 2022, with a milestone goal of increasing the active participation of women in the cooperative.
Before the implementation of the gender policy, most members of Koperasi Nira Kamukten were male farmers, despite the fact that the production of coconut sugar was a collaborative effort between husbands and wives. Male farmers typically tapped the coconut sap, while female farmers cooked and transformed it into granulated or crystal coconut sugar. However, after the gender policy was enacted, the cooperative encouraged female farmer membership by transitioning the membership from husbands to wives. This has led to a more gender-balanced membership, with 119 female farmers and 128 male farmers now part of the cooperative.
Women’s participation in the cooperative’s decision-making processes has also significantly increased. Koperasi Nira Kamukten introduced a delegate system for its member meetings in 2023, where each delegate represents 13 members. The cooperative has actively encouraged female farmers to serve as delegates, resulting in 15 of the 19 delegates being female. These delegates play a crucial role in the annual general assembly, where key decisions affecting the cooperative are made. Each delegate leads regular meetings with the 12 members they represent and participates in pre-annual general assembly discussions, ensuring that women’s voices are heard.
“I enjoy being a delegate. It allows me to meet other members of the cooperative and get to know them better.” – Casmiatun, Female, 37 years old
“I always take notes during meetings, but I used to get confused about some of the topics discussed, especially around cooperative governance. Now, I understand better and feel more confident speaking in meetings.” – Sonirah, Female, 42 years old
The inclusion of female delegates is a concrete step toward women’s empowerment within Koperasi Nira Kamukten. These women have undergone training on cooperative governance, enhancing their understanding of their roles and mandates within the organization. Having already participated in two general assemblies, the women delegates are making significant contributions to the cooperative’s governance and decision-making processes.
“Sometimes I get nervous when I have to organize and speak in meetings, but it’s been a great learning experience since I was elected as a delegate.” – Suprihatin, Female, 30 years old
Koperasi Nira Kamukten’s commitment to gender equality is further reflected in its leadership structure. The cooperative has a female board member who serves as treasurer, and one of its female staff members represented the organization as a NAPP Ambassador at the Seoul Food Expo in 2024.
Through these efforts, Koperasi Nira Kamukten is fostering a more inclusive and empowered environment for women farmers, setting a strong example of gender equality in agriculture.