Producer Profiles
Neknasi Coffee Growers Cooperative Society

Product: Coffee
FLO ID: 21403
Country: Papua New Guinea
Individual members 440
Year Fairtrade Certified: 2011
Organisation Type: Smallholder
Organisation Details
Founded in 2008, Neknasi Coffee Growers Cooperative Society is comprised of approximately 440 coffee producing members. The society is located in the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea. The association is made up of eight villages and approximately 43 tribes. It is estimated that over 2000 people benefit from services provided by the association.
Fairtrade Certification
Neknasi was proud to achieve Fairtrade Certification™ in May of 2011. Its members are committed to improving the livelihood of their communities through the sustainable production of Fairtrade Certified coffee.
The cooperative is located in the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea
Fairtrade Benefits/ Premium
The board members report that Neknasi is developing a plan to use its first Fairtrade Premium to expand and improve its current water supply system to include coffee gardens close to members’ villages. In the near future, the cooperative will increase production levels as a result of their recent vehicle purchase and improvements in sustainable farm management practices such as weeding and pruning. The board also reports that Neknasi has plans to increase association membership.