Highland Organic Agriculture Cooperative (HOAC)

Product: Coffee
FLO ID: 2897
Country: Papua New Guinea
Individual members 2,600
Year Fairtrade Certified: 2005
Organisation Details
Highland Organic Agriculture Cooperative (HOAC) is one of the oldest Fairtrade Certified organisations in Oceania. The Cooperative is located in the remote regions of the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea.
Located in remote mountainous locations, it often met limited communication between member, coupled with high transport costs which were compounded with lower prices to producers and more difficulties in access to markets.
Registered in 2003, HOAC is a cooperative of 2,600 coffee growers, some of whom are certified organic by NASAA. It is estimated that between 50,000 to 60,000 people receive benefits from the Cooperative. Coffee Connections is HOAC’s exporter.
A coffee producer at the HOAC
Fairtrade Certification
In his first role as a Pacific Sub-Network Representative, HOAC Chairperson Daniel Kinne attended the Fairtrade Network of Asian Producers General Assembly in India. His participation in the activities of the regional body representing Fairtrade Certified producers in Asia and the Pacific served to raise awareness about the challenges faced by Pacific coffee producers and their hopes for the future.
Fairtrade Benefits/ Premium
The HOAC has been investing the Fairtrade Premium in projects in order to make a difference to members and their communities. After being part of the Fairtrade System for six years, the organisation improved its administrative structure, increased its production volume and invested the Fairtrade Premium in education and water infrastructure for its communities.
In recent years, HOAC has worked closely with local government and the Eastern Highlands Province governor to achieve road improvements in the region.