Koptan Gayo Megah Berseri

Product: Coffee ArabicaFLO ID: 28568
Country: Indonesia
Individual members 554
Year Fairtrade Certified: 2012
Organisation Type: Smallholder
Organisation Details
Koptan Gayo Megah Berseri is a cooperative based in the Jagong province in northern Indonesia. The cooperative began as part of an initiative of a local exporter called CV Sumatera Jaya Kopi based in the Jagong area. The cooperative is placed at an altitude of 1,400 – 1,600 m.
People in this area were resettled here by the Indonesian transmigration program. More than 2/3 of the inhabitants are originally from Java and some from Aceh. Agriculture is the main source of income for the people who are traditional small coffee producers. The cooperative has 554 members, of which 211 are women.
A coperative member ©Falcon
The cooperative produces the coffee variety Arabica: Bourbon, P88 and Catimor. The coffee quality is Grade 1, semi-washed and wet-hulled, with a low acidity, solid sweetness, heavy dark chocolate, full bodied and smooth.
Fairtrade Certification
In 2012, the cooperative joined Fairtrade to help local farmers develop economic stability.
Fairtrade Benefits/ Premium
The cooperative has a Premium Committee who manages the investment of the Fairtrade Premium, a third of which was used to support producers with a cash sum.