The Constitution of Fairtrade NAPP was established in 2014 and is a member of Fairtrade International Producer Networks. Producer networks are regional associations that Fairtrade certified producer organizations may join if they wish. They represent small-scale producers, workers and other producer stakeholders.
Pic: Fairtrade NAPP GA 2023
Fairtrade NAPP supports and empowers Fairtrade certified farmers and workers across the Asia Pacific region. The producers share 50% ownership of the Fairtrade system and have an equal voice in all decisions that affect them. As a Producer Network, NAPP ensures their voice is heard in the system. Currently NAPP has 284 Producer Organizations across 20 countries in Asia and Pacific Region supporting more than 260000 farmers and workers.
Fairtrade strengthens the position of farmers and workers in the value chain. By offering an alternative approach to trade NAPP supports producers in securing better markets, contributing to greater sustainable development in Asia Pacific region under Fairtrade – Network of Asia and Pacific Producers (NAPP).
The Fairtrade Standards outline the principles of democratic organization and participation required by a producer organization, enabling our approach to apply to a variety of settings – from certified cooperatives and smallholder associations to plantations and factories.