Today, we ponder the ways to enhance the resilience and sustainability of agricultural communities in the face of global price fluctuations and environmental challenges? The recent surge in global prices for essential goods, farmers and workers worldwide have faced unprecedented economic challenges. To address this, Fairtrade International (FI), with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), has launched the “Emergency Relief and Resilience Fund to Mitigate Food and Energy Price Crises.”

As part of this initiative, 20 producers from Medumbara Organic Minor Export Crop Producers Society received net houses. The net houses support smallholder producers and workers by providing essential protection against adverse weather, pests, and diseases. These structures ensure consistent quality and quantity in agricultural yields. By targeting regions with the greatest need, the distribution of net houses significantly enhances food system resilience and offers vital support to smallholder producers, contributing to the sustainability of their livelihoods. This as a result increases resilience and mitigating the impacts of price crises on food and energy security.

The “Emergency Relief and Resilience Fund” exemplifies Fairtrade’s commitment to safeguarding the interests of smallholder producers and workers in the face of escalating global challenges. The fund emphasizes investing in robust food systems to protect smallholder producers and workers from economic and environmental adversities. By focusing on resilient food systems and strategic investments like the distribution of net houses, Fairtrade actively works to protect and empower the most vulnerable in the agricultural sector. This initiative enhances the resilience of agricultural production systems against future shocks. This project not only addresses immediate needs but also lays the groundwork for long-term sustainability and resilience in the face of future crises.

“As a farmer, net houses are crucial for protecting crops against adverse weather conditions, pests, and diseases. This, in turn, contributes to the sustainability of livelihoods and helps mitigate the impact of price crises on food and energy security.” – E M A G Maddumabanda.

“As organic farmers, this timely project is essential for us. We have already acquired the seedlings and plants and are ready to proceed with the project.” – Main TheroRajamahaviharaya Medadu mmbara

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