Fairtrade Coffee Development Plan (CDP) funded by Max Havelaar Switzerland

Fairtrade NAPP has 68 Small-scale Coffee Producer Organisations (50% organic) supporting 81741 farmers across Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Myanmar, Laos, Papua New Guinea, and China who produce approx. 56300 MT of coffee of which the maximum volume is being exported to European countries.

Some of the critical challenges faced by the majority of the producers include lack of access to market and commercial growth, climate change’s effect on the environment and their livelihood sustainability, reduction in yield, lack of cost production efficiency, need for alternative income generation, and improving the post-harvest processing capacity at farm level.

To support and strengthen producers, the Coffee Development Plan for 2022-25 was launched based on their needs assessment and priorities and in alignment with the Regional and  Global Fairtrade Coffee Strategy.

The overall objective of NAPP CDP 2022-25 is to strengthen and empower producer beneficiaries from India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Laos who contribute approx. 89 to 95% of the coffee from the region. The Project will cover 40 Fairtrade Coffee SPOs benefitting over 1400+ farmer members as direct beneficiaries.

The program has been designed to contribute to the sustainable livelihood of the farmer members and farm workers by:-

  • building their capacity with access to market and commercial growth,
  • increasing their revenue through yield improvement, cost production efficiency, and non-coffee farm alternative income generation projects
  • improving their post-harvest processing capacity at the farm level,
  • building their resilience to the hydro-meteorological hazards at Fairtrade-certified coffee farms to protect the forest ecosystems, and environment.

In addition, the final result of the project will help advocate more about Fairtrade and bring in more supply chains to the Fairtrade coffee sector, producers can exchange knowledge on good practices,  the improved quality coffee beans will attract more buyers and the awareness of [and prevention of] issues of deforestation and environmental sustainability will help producers comply to the requirement of the new policy of the European Commission.


Partnership with Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI) for supporting coffee farmers with improving quality, productivity, yield and Value Addition.

In India, some of the major needs identified for producers are to improve coffee quality despite favourable natural conditions, many producers struggle to achieve the desired quality output from their produce due to multiple factors, including lack of awareness and training, lack of proper infrastructure support, undisciplined production and harvesting practices, non-uniform processing techniques, etc. Achieving a superior and uniform quality across all the farmer members can ensure a better quality batch and better prospects of sales and prices for the producer organisations.

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Climate Change Adaptation And Risk Mitigation Strategies In Coffee Farming

To understand the impact of climate change on coffee farming in the Aceh Region and to propose climate-responsive activities and training to coffee producers to help them build their resilience and mitigate the effect of climate change, a study was conducted by Fairtrade NAPP, via a triangulation approach of Focus group discussion (FGD), Interviews, and Meteorological and scientific data. This project is supported under the Fairtrade Coffee Development Plan in collaboration with Max Havelaar Switzerland, and our implementing partners from Center for Aceh Coffee and Cocoa Research of University of Syiah Kuala in Indonesia.

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Integrated Pest Management Workshop for Lao Producers

Lao coffee is grown in high elevation and cool climate areas, thus producing a good character and aroma coffee. The production of Lao coffee is estimated at 1 ton of green beans per hectare on average. During the past few years, coffee productivity and quality has gone down due to climate change which has caused higher temperature and weather changes followed by the invasion of new pests and diseases in the coffee crop.

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