The Fairtrade Marks
The Fairtrade Marks are the globally recognized symbols of the international Fairtrade system. When you buy products with any of the Fairtrade Marks, you support farmers and workers as they improve their lives and their communities. Products bearing these Marks meet the internationally-agreed social, environmental and economic Fairtrade Standards. The Fairtrade Marks are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Fairtrade International.
The Fairtrade Mark is recognized by consumers around the world as the leading social and sustainable development Mark. It inspires high trust in consumers around the world that a considered purchase improves the lives of people and communities in developing countries.
The Fairtrade Mark is recognized by consumers around the world as the leading social and sustainable development Mark. It inspires high trust in consumers around the world that a considered purchase improves the lives of people and communities in developing countries. For more information on the specific FAIRTRADE Mark found on your products click HERE.

Single ingredient products
If you’re looking at a bag of Fairtrade coffee or a bunch of Fairtrade bananas with the Fairtrade Mark, 100% of the product meets the Fairtrade Standards.
Composite products
IFor products like cookies, ice cream and chocolate bars, all ingredients that can be sourced as Fairtrade must be Fairtrade. This is the ‘all that can be’ principle. The percentage of each Fairtrade ingredient must be displayed on the back of the pack. And at least 20% of the content must be Fairtrade certified. Many companies go above and beyond that.

Most Fairtrade products are physically traceable. This is not required for cocoa, sugar, fruit juices and tea.
Products with the Fairtrade Mark are available in more than 120 countries. In Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland, the Mark will also include the words ‘Max Havelaar’ below Fairtrade.
The Fairtrade Sourcing Program (FSP) Marks
If you see the Fairtrade Sourcing Program Mark for cocoa, sugar or cotton, it means that the indicated commodity has been sourced as Fairtrade. This provides more options for consumers to support Fairtrade farmers through everyday shopping and greater sales opportunities for farmers.
The Fairtrade Program Marks represent the Fairtrade Sourcing Programs, which honour the way that different companies do business. Some companies source all that they can as Fairtrade. Some companies source all that they can as Fairtrade. Others want to source 10 percent, 30 percent or even all of their overall volumes of an individual ingredient on Fairtrade terms. This new program allows companies to commit to Fairtrade and source large volumes of individual Fairtrade ingredients.
With the introduction of the Fairtrade Program Marks, Fairtrade is innovating in our system to secure greater sales volumes for Fairtrade producers and provide more options for companies and consumers. The Fairtrade Program Mark began appearing on products in select markets in early 2014.