The project has enhanced their knowledge of vegetable and herb cultivation and will support 105 small holder farmer families with a sustainable livelihood.  The income generated from selling the products will be divided for distributing to the members as dividends, keeping a reserve in the producer organisation’s saving account, and also for being utilised to fund the project for further development.

Mrs. Nujaree Chanawong, a member of the organisation mentions-

I do organic rice farming and grow organic vegetables for selling. However, due to the COVID pandemic, the business has not been good. My friend from the organic rice group introduced me to planting organic pea flowers and selling the dried flowers. Once the flowers are harvested, we dry them with the solar dome.10 kgs of fresh pea flower get processed into 1 kg of dried pea flower. We weigh and sell it once a month at a price of  400 baht/ kg. This fetches us an additional source of income.

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