The Grape Conclave 2024 came to life in Mohadi, Nashik, Maharashtra, as Fairtrade NAPP gathered the leaders from the grape farming sector to dive deeper into Fairtrade standards and explore innovative technologies. With sustainability at the core, the event provided farmers, exporters, and managers a platform to openly discuss their challenges and discover practical solutions for meeting Fairtrade regulations while improving their farming practices.

Fostering Fairtrade Innovation

The Grape Conclave 2024 wasn’t just a typical gathering—it was a deep dive into the heart of modern grape farming. The event started with engaging sessions that broke down the often-intimidating world of SPO (Small Producer Organizations) Standards and HREDD (Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence), making these crucial topics more approachable and actionable for everyone. Throw in an update on European Union trade regulations, and suddenly, complex global issues felt much more relevant to the everyday work of grape producers. However, it was not simply about regulations and compliance. The true magic happened when producers began to open up, revealing their experiences and concerns with non-compliance issues during audits, the daily stress of documentation (both on the ground and at the management level), and how governance systems could be improved. This wasn’t a one-sided lecture but a lively, relevant, and genuine interaction.

Tech ! That’s Changing the Game

Then came the tech. And not just any tech—game-changing innovations designed to make grape farming smarter and more efficient. Picture this: a weather station that helps farmers anticipate weather changes, a soil moisture meter that optimizes irrigation, and disease and pest detection technologies that act like an early warning system for crops. Fyllo Crop Agnostic Technology introduced these tools, and the excitement in the room was palpable as farmers began to see the potential for transforming their daily practices.

It didn’t stop there. Providers like Visa TOGO  and Farm ERP showcased digital tools that help growers make smarter, data-driven decisions and streamline the supply chain. In an age where technology often feels distant, this was technology that felt tangible—helping farmers work more efficiently, save costs, and, ultimately, grow better crops.

Invaluable Insight from Experts

Mr. Vilas Shinde, Managing Director of Sahyadri Farms and Chief Guest, shared his invaluable insights, emphasizing Fairtrade International certification’s importance and critical updates on the European market. His guidance helped growers understand the value of adhering to Fairtrade standards and the new trade modalities set by the EU. One of the most immediate takeaways from the event was the strengthened relationship between Fairtrade International and NAPP. Growers left the conclave with a heightened sense of confidence, clarity, and ownership over their roles in the Fairtrade ecosystem. Introducing new technologies empowered farmers to make more informed, cost-effective decisions, ultimately leading to improved farming and production practices. The discussions on HREDD and EU updates also offered valuable clarity on international trade norms, equipping producers with the tools to comply with evolving standards.

Farmers' Voices : Testimonials from the Grape Conclave

Sanjay Raut (48, KALEDHO Nekar Farmer Producer Company Limited):
“The event was organized so well. The information shared was crucial, and the discussions were relevant to our daily challenges. I suggest we meet like this quarterly to stay ahead of trends.”

Ramhari Padol (44, PPF Grapes Grower Fair Farmers Producer Company Ltd.):
“NAPP’s efforts are commendable. The practical information on new technologies, especially shared in our local language, helped us understand market trends and compliance.”

Harshad CPT (50, Sahyadri Organic Small Farmers Consortium):
“Being a part of the grape conclave was beneficial, especially for those involved in farm digitalization. The introduction of new technology and discussions on how to adapt them to our practices was eye-opening.”

To the Future

The conclave was more than just an event; it combined knowledge and cutting-edge technology with the human aspect that enabled sustainable farming.The Grape Conclave 2024 in Mohadi, Nashik, Maharashtra, paved the way for a future where grape producers and stakeholders have the information and resources required to enhance their farming techniques and adapt to the current standards. By strengthening links between farmers, Fairtrade, and technology providers, the conclave emphasized the significance of innovation, sustainability, and teamwork in attaining long-term success.

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