KSU Arinagata

KSU Arinagata

Product: Coffee

FLO ID: 18296

Country: Indonesia

Individual members 1,677

Year Fairtrade Certified: 2008

Organisation Type: Smallholder

Organisation Details

KSU Arinagata evolved from an existing coffee trading and exporting company. The company had originally worked with farmers from seven villages in the Aceh province, and these farmers officially joined as a cooperative in 2007. The cooperative is placed at an altitude of 600 – 1,200 m.

Finding a good market channel for their coffee has been the biggest challenge for these farmers. During the armed conflict between Sumatran separatists and the Indonesian army, many were forced to flee the area. Only recently have they began returning, some women as widows, and with very little income. Many families live in poor conditions. They are traditional farmers, mostly of Gayonese origin.

Members of the KSU Arinagata ©Fair Trade USA

Most members of the cooperative produce on a small area of land, which provides 80 to 90% of household income. Farmers may also sell vegetables, fruit, soya bean, spices and fish in local markets. Fruit trees are intercropped with their 100% organic coffee, and this adds to the typical Sumatran coffee profile.

The cooperative has 1677 members, 206 are women.

KSU produces Arabica Coffee which is double sorted Sumatra Mandheling grade 1. The coffee is medium to full body, medium acidity, berries, complex with notes of orange, leather, and caramel.

Fairtrade Certification

In 2008, the cooperative joined Fairtrade to help local farmers develop economic stability and market access.

Fairtrade Benefits/ Premium

The KSU invested the Fairtrade Premium to organise small shops called Waserda. This provides access to daily necessities at reasonable prices. They have built these small communal businesses in 10 villages.

Quality & productivity

KSU has purchased land for construction of a processing unit. This was financed by the Fairtrade Premium.

Waserda’: KSU Arinagata is organizing small shops in remote communities.
© Fairtrade International


In Aceh, the KSU Arinagata community has suffered high rainfall and fatal landslides. The cooperative has used the Fairtrade Premium to create a social fund. This provides first aid and food provisions for victims of landslides.

Soil fertility has suffered in recent years due to heavy rains. Natural fertile matter has been washed away and the soil can be very sandy. The cooperative is planning to make strong investments in this using the Fairtrade Premium

Mahyanah is the secretary of KSU Arinagata. She’s standing in front of temporary housing following an earthquake that destroyed the cooperative headquarters in 2013.
©Triangle Coffee