Demonstrating and deepening impact

The Network of Asia and Pacific Producers uses the Fairtrade Theory of Change Framework and a range of measuring indicators to demonstrate impact in the livelihood security of producers through Fairtrade Standards, producer support, and Fairtrade Premium projects.
Read about Fairtrade International’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Programme here.
Fairtrade Monitoring System 2.0
Data on core Theory of Change indicators is collected annually to monitor progress and change over time through the development of data collection tools, sampling procedures, and synergies with other stakeholders (FLOCERT, Programme and project MEL, and research and evaluation studies).
Monitoring Tools Pilot: Based on the global monitoring tools survey conducted across NAPP, CLAC and the FTA Liaison Officers, two tools were developed – Field Visit Form and Activity Form. These tools are meant to be able to collect homogeneous information across events, workshops and training to capture impact.
Collection of Data on Impact Training: The COD Impact has begun this year through FLOCERT during their audit process. Liaison Officers are being trained on the questions and supporting producers on preparing this information. This will enable producers in building stronger internal control mechanisms and will prove useful especially in building capacities of the SPOs.
Evaluation and Studies
Completed Studies
- Coffee Study: The preliminary findings of the coffee research conducted by the NRI research team in Indonesia, Peru, Tanzania and Mexico was shared with coffee producers of Indonesia through a workshop held in Medan.
- Cotton Study: The preliminary findings of the cotton study have been shared with the network of cotton producers and the summary published.
- Cavendish Banana Study: The commissioned study is on The Philippines Cavendish Banana Industry.
- Cashew Study: Developing supply and markets for Fairtrade Cashew nuts from Vietnam, infographic.
- SPO Research Study: Research on SPO development, strengthening and resilience anchored is being conducted by Royal Tropical Institute, KIT, Amsterdam across all three producer networks. From Asia Pacific India and Indonesia have been shortlisted wherein several SPOs will be studies in depth from an organizational strength point of view and how Fairtrade’s producer support may have been an enabler in the strengthening process.
Ongoing Studies
- Sugar Baseline and Impact Evaluation: Global baseline and impact evaluation for sugar has been planned for Swaziland, Tanzania, Belize, India and Fiji.
- Tea Baseline and Impact Evaluation: The ISS, Hague at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam is conducting a tea study in India and Sri Lanka. Their counterparts in India would be Centre for Development Studies in Kerala, India and Centre for Poverty Alleviation in Sri Lanka.