Talon Sports Pvt Ltd.

Product: Sportsball, Footwear,
Bags, and Garments
FLO ID: 1629
Country: Pakistan
Year Fairtrade Certified: 2002
Individual members: 65
Organisation type: Hired Labour
Organisation Details
Talon Sports was established in 1995.
Fairtrade Certification
In 1997, the Welfare of Your Workforce motivated Talon Sports to take on the responsibility to adopt socially responsible criteria.
Fairtrade Benefits/ Premium
Talon Sports has started a Medicare program for the local community.
A coffee producer at the HOAC
Social Benefits
Talon Sports has, through social mobilisation, created an enabling working environment for female workers, enrolled kids to formal and non-formal education centres and introduced an economic Medicare system.
Education benefits are given to students as well.
The water is polluted and unfit for drinking, hence Talon Sports provides clean and filtered drinking water to the community.
A school at the HOAC
Talon Sports protect the environment by conducting risk assessment of its production processes and by reducing sold waste.